Today, it is a very powerful instrument that has been used in many machines: All but one of the forks measures: PRTCNC 1.5 كيلو واط المغزل باستخدام الحاسب الآلي يبرد نفسه عن طريق سحب الهواء وليس الماء. وهذا مفيد، أو أن تبريد الهواء أكثر كفاءة فيما يتعلق بتبريد المغزل بشكل أسرع. يتيح التبريد السريع للمغزل أن يكون له عمر افتراضي طويل وبالتالي، له علاقة بأداء أفضل على المدى الطويل. إنه مفيد للغاية لورش الآلات التي تستهلك أدوات كثيرة بسبب كمية أوامر العمل لديها.
المغزل المبرد بالهواء RPM والذي يتيح توفير قطع نظيف وسريع للمواد المعروضة. هذا الشيء به محرك عالي السرعة. PRTCNC المغزل تبريد الهواء تتمتع بسرعة دوران عالية مما يجعلها سهلة وفعالة للعمل على مجموعة كبيرة من المواد. يتم القطع بشكل جيد للغاية، مما يزيد من الإنتاجية حيث يلاحظ أن العديد من الموظفين ينجزون عملهم بشكل أسرع بكثير ويصنعون منتجات أفضل. من المفيد إنجاز الكثير من القطع فيها.
تتمتع المغازل المبردة بالهواء بالعديد من المزايا، وبالتالي فإن 1. أتوقع أن المغزل بقوة 5 كيلو وات سيعمل بشكل أفضل من التوقعات له. PRTCNC تبريد الهواء باستخدام الحاسب الآلي المغزل يمكن السماح لها بزيادة الطاقة دون القلق من ارتفاع درجة حرارتها لأن كونها مبردًا بالهواء يساعد في التبريد. مما يشير إلى أن المغزل قادر على تشغيل وظائف أطول وأكثر كثافة دون أن يتعطل. تمكن هذه القوة الأكبر العامل من إنجاز المزيد من العمل في وقت قصير وبالتالي تكون ذات قيمة أكبر في أي بيئة ورشة عمل.
Another advantage of having air cooled spindle also makes it a cheap feature as compared to the ones that use water for cooling. It can be a great boon, because it will considerably cut costs and time for owners/ operators of these machines. They spend more time doing their jobs by devoting minimal time in maintaining those tools instead of devoting considerable time in their maintenance.
The air-cooled system comes with advantages such as fast cooling rate, faster cutting speeds and more power and less maintenance. And that’s why it is considered as necessary addition into any machine shop. It can reduce cost and time when it comes to doing various jobs in any environment that heavily relies on machining since it makes the tasks done better.
PRTCNC Factory 1.5 kw air cooled spindle from a building that is home to four fully-equipped workshops ensuring efficient production processes In addition we have a large and well-organized five-story warehouse to store our massive inventory This allows us to provide fast shipment and shorten the wait time for our customers to receive our top-of-the-line CNC router machines The standard delivery time for machines is generally 5-7 days while machines built to customer specifications are usually delivered within 15-30 days
We follow strict and scientific quality control. To ensure the 1.5 kw air cooled spindle of our products, we use a unique production process which includes testing, disassembling, and putting together CNC routers. We pay close attention to every detail starting from the raw material selection to the testing and production phases. We also have a complete after-sales service system that provides 24 hours of free technical assistance via email, Skype telephone, or TradeMessenger.
Being a leading CNC router machine manufacturer we have significant experience in exporting our services and products as well as service customization to allow for customer that is different We understand that customers could have specific requirements or operate in just a budget that is restricted and we're committed to providing solutions that meet their needs We have the expertise to style equipment that is efficient and attractive and still work within budgetary limitations A partnership is had by us with famous CNC brands such as 1.5 kw air cooled spindle VEVOR and Yorahome These partnerships help us increase our item offerings also to provide CNC that is superior router to our customers
Foshan Puruite Technology Co., Ltd (PRTCNC Factory) is a prestigious 1.5 kw air cooled spindle OEM manufacturer specializing in CNC router machines. Since the year 2012 when we started our business we have committed ourselves to the design, production and distribution of top-quality CNC routers, as well as maintenance services. Since 2012, when we first started, we have been dedicated to research, development and manufacturing of high-quality CNC router machines. We also provide maintenance services.